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 * sites_web_vhost_aliasdomain_plugin plugin
 * @author Marius Cramer <> pixcept KG 2012, copied and adapted from web_domain plugin by:
 * @author Julio Montoya <> BeezNest 2010

class sites_web_vhost_aliasdomain_plugin {

	var $plugin_name        = 'sites_web_vhost_aliasdomain_plugin';
	var $class_name         = 'sites_web_vhost_aliasdomain_plugin';

	// TODO: This function is a duplicate from the one in interface/web/sites/web_vhost_aliasdomain_edit.php
	//       There should be a single "token replacement" function to be called from modules and
	//  from the main code.
	// Returna a "3/2/1" path hash from a numeric id '123'
	function id_hash($id, $levels) {
		$hash = "" . $id % 10 ;
		$id /= 10 ;
		$levels -- ;
		while ( $levels > 0 ) {
			$hash .= "/" . $id % 10 ;
			$id /= 10 ;
			$levels-- ;
		return $hash;

            This function is called when the plugin is loaded
	function onLoad() {
		global $app;
		//Register for the events
		// both event call the same function as the things to do do not differ here
		$app->plugin->registerEvent('sites:web_vhost_aliasdomain:on_after_insert', 'sites_web_vhost_aliasdomain_plugin', 'sites_web_vhost_aliasdomain_edit');
		$app->plugin->registerEvent('sites:web_vhost_aliasdomain:on_after_update', 'sites_web_vhost_aliasdomain_plugin', 'sites_web_vhost_aliasdomain_edit');

		Function to create the sites_web_vhost_aliasdomain rule and insert it into the custom rules
	function sites_web_vhost_aliasdomain_edit($event_name, $page_form) {
		global $app, $conf;

		// Get configuration for the web system
		$web_config = $app->getconf->get_server_config($app->functions->intval($page_form->dataRecord['server_id']), 'web');

		$parent_domain = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT * FROM `web_domain` WHERE `domain_id` = '" . $app->functions->intval($page_form->dataRecord['parent_domain_id']) . "'");

		// Set the values for document_root, system_user and system_group
		$system_user = $app->db->quote($parent_domain['system_user']);
		$system_group = $app->db->quote($parent_domain['system_group']);
		$document_root = $app->db->quote($parent_domain['document_root']);
		$php_open_basedir = str_replace("[website_path]/web", $document_root.'/'.$page_form->dataRecord['web_folder'], $web_config["php_open_basedir"]);
		$php_open_basedir = str_replace("[website_domain]/web", $page_form->dataRecord['domain'].'/'.$page_form->dataRecord['web_folder'], $php_open_basedir);
		$php_open_basedir = str_replace("[website_path]", $document_root, $php_open_basedir);
		$php_open_basedir = $app->db->quote(str_replace("[website_domain]", $page_form->dataRecord['domain'], $php_open_basedir));
		$htaccess_allow_override = $app->db->quote($parent_domain['allow_override']);

		$sql = "UPDATE web_domain SET sys_groupid = ".$app->functions->intval($parent_domain['sys_groupid']).",system_user = '$system_user', system_group = '$system_group', document_root = '$document_root', allow_override = '$htaccess_allow_override', php_open_basedir = '$php_open_basedir'  WHERE domain_id = ".$page_form->id;
