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				if(substr($custom_php_fpm_ini_dir,-1) != '/') $custom_php_fpm_ini_dir .= '/';
			} else {
				$default_php_fpm = true;
		} else {
			if(trim($data['old']['fastcgi_php_version']) != '' && $data['old']['php'] != 'no'){
				$default_php_fpm = false;
				list($custom_php_fpm_name, $custom_php_fpm_init_script, $custom_php_fpm_ini_dir, $custom_php_fpm_pool_dir) = explode(':', trim($data['old']['fastcgi_php_version']));
				if(substr($custom_php_fpm_ini_dir,-1) != '/') $custom_php_fpm_ini_dir .= '/';
			} else {
				$default_php_fpm = true;
		$web_config = $app->getconf->get_server_config($conf["server_id"], 'web');
		if($data['new']['php'] == 'no'){
				//$reload = true;
			if($data['old']['php'] != 'no'){
				} else {
		$tpl = new tpl();

		if($data['new']['php_fpm_use_socket'] == 'y'){
			$use_tcp = 0;
			$use_socket = 1;
			if(!is_dir($socket_dir)) $app->system->mkdirpath($socket_dir);
			$use_tcp = 1;
			$use_socket = 0;
		$tpl->setVar('use_tcp', $use_tcp);
		$tpl->setVar('use_socket', $use_socket);
		$fpm_socket = $socket_dir.$pool_name.'.sock';
		$tpl->setVar('fpm_socket', $fpm_socket);
		$tpl->setVar('fpm_pool', $pool_name);
		$tpl->setVar('fpm_port', $web_config['php_fpm_start_port'] + $data['new']['domain_id'] - 1);
		$tpl->setVar('fpm_user', $data['new']['system_user']);
		$tpl->setVar('fpm_group', $data['new']['system_group']);
		$tpl->setVar('pm', $data['new']['pm']);
		$tpl->setVar('pm_max_children', $data['new']['pm_max_children']);
		$tpl->setVar('pm_start_servers', $data['new']['pm_start_servers']);
		$tpl->setVar('pm_min_spare_servers', $data['new']['pm_min_spare_servers']);
		$tpl->setVar('pm_max_spare_servers', $data['new']['pm_max_spare_servers']);
		$tpl->setVar('pm_process_idle_timeout', $data['new']['pm_process_idle_timeout']);
		$tpl->setVar('pm_max_requests', $data['new']['pm_max_requests']);
		$tpl->setVar('document_root', $data['new']['document_root']);
		$php_open_basedir = ($data['new']['php_open_basedir'] == '')?escapeshellcmd($data['new']['document_root']):escapeshellcmd($data['new']['php_open_basedir']);
		$tpl->setVar('php_open_basedir', $php_open_basedir);
		if($php_open_basedir != ''){
			$tpl->setVar('enable_php_open_basedir', '');
		} else {
			$tpl->setVar('enable_php_open_basedir', ';');
		// Custom php.ini settings
		$final_php_ini_settings = array();
		$custom_php_ini_settings = trim($data['new']['custom_php_ini']);
		if($custom_php_ini_settings != ''){
			// Make sure we only have Unix linebreaks
			$custom_php_ini_settings = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $custom_php_ini_settings);
			$custom_php_ini_settings = str_replace("\r", "\n", $custom_php_ini_settings);
			$ini_settings = explode("\n", $custom_php_ini_settings);
			if(is_array($ini_settings) && !empty($ini_settings)){
				foreach($ini_settings as $ini_setting){
					$ini_setting = trim($ini_setting);
					if(substr($ini_setting,0,1) == ';') continue;
					if(substr($ini_setting,0,1) == '#') continue;
					if(substr($ini_setting,0,2) == '//') continue;
					list($key, $value) = explode('=', $ini_setting);
						$value = trim($value);
						$key = trim($key);
						switch (strtolower($value)) {
							case '0':
								// PHP-FPM might complain about invalid boolean value if you use 0
								$value = 'off';
							case '1':
							case 'on':
							case 'off':
							case 'true':
							case 'false':
							case 'yes':
							case 'no':
								$final_php_ini_settings[] = array('ini_setting' => 'php_admin_flag['.$key.'] = '.$value);
								$final_php_ini_settings[] = array('ini_setting' => 'php_admin_value['.$key.'] = '.$value);
		$tpl->setLoop('custom_php_ini_settings', $final_php_ini_settings);
		$app->log('Writing the PHP-FPM config file: '.$pool_dir.$pool_name.'.conf',LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
		// delete pool in all other PHP versions
		$default_pool_dir = escapeshellcmd($web_config['php_fpm_pool_dir']);
		if(substr($default_pool_dir,-1) != '/') $default_pool_dir .= '/';
		if($default_pool_dir != $pool_dir){
			if ( @is_file($default_pool_dir.$pool_name.'.conf') ) {
					$app->log('Removed PHP-FPM config file: '.$default_pool_dir.$pool_name.'.conf',LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
		$php_versions = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT * FROM server_php WHERE php_fpm_init_script != '' AND php_fpm_ini_dir != '' AND php_fpm_pool_dir != '' AND server_id = ".$conf["server_id"]);
		if(is_array($php_versions) && !empty($php_versions)){
			foreach($php_versions as $php_version){
				if(substr($php_version['php_fpm_pool_dir'],-1) != '/') $php_version['php_fpm_pool_dir'] .= '/';
				if($php_version['php_fpm_pool_dir'] != $pool_dir){
					if ( @is_file($php_version['php_fpm_pool_dir'].$pool_name.'.conf') ) {
						$app->log('Removed PHP-FPM config file: '.$php_version['php_fpm_pool_dir'].$pool_name.'.conf',LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
		} else {
	//* Delete the PHP-FPM pool configuration file
	private function php_fpm_pool_delete ($data,$web_config) {
		if(trim($data['old']['fastcgi_php_version']) != '' && $data['old']['php'] != 'no'){
			$default_php_fpm = false;
			list($custom_php_fpm_name, $custom_php_fpm_init_script, $custom_php_fpm_ini_dir, $custom_php_fpm_pool_dir) = explode(':', trim($data['old']['fastcgi_php_version']));
			if(substr($custom_php_fpm_ini_dir,-1) != '/') $custom_php_fpm_ini_dir .= '/';
		} else {
			$default_php_fpm = true;
			$pool_dir = escapeshellcmd($web_config['php_fpm_pool_dir']);
		} else {
			$pool_dir = $custom_php_fpm_pool_dir;
		if(substr($pool_dir,-1) != '/') $pool_dir .= '/';
		$pool_name = 'web'.$data['old']['domain_id'];
		if ( @is_file($pool_dir.$pool_name.'.conf') ) {
			$app->log('Removed PHP-FPM config file: '.$pool_dir.$pool_name.'.conf',LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
		// delete pool in all other PHP versions
		$default_pool_dir = escapeshellcmd($web_config['php_fpm_pool_dir']);
		if(substr($default_pool_dir,-1) != '/') $default_pool_dir .= '/';
		if($default_pool_dir != $pool_dir){
			if ( @is_file($default_pool_dir.$pool_name.'.conf') ) {
					$app->log('Removed PHP-FPM config file: '.$default_pool_dir.$pool_name.'.conf',LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
		$php_versions = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT * FROM server_php WHERE php_fpm_init_script != '' AND php_fpm_ini_dir != '' AND php_fpm_pool_dir != '' AND server_id = ".$data['old']['server_id']);
		if(is_array($php_versions) && !empty($php_versions)){
			foreach($php_versions as $php_version){
				if(substr($php_version['php_fpm_pool_dir'],-1) != '/') $php_version['php_fpm_pool_dir'] .= '/';
				if($php_version['php_fpm_pool_dir'] != $pool_dir){
					if ( @is_file($php_version['php_fpm_pool_dir'].$pool_name.'.conf') ) {
						$app->log('Removed PHP-FPM config file: '.$php_version['php_fpm_pool_dir'].$pool_name.'.conf',LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
		} else {
	private function nginx_merge_locations($vhost_conf){

		$lines = explode("\n", $vhost_conf);
		if(is_array($lines) && !empty($lines)){
			$locations = array();
			$islocation = false;
			$linecount = sizeof($lines);
			$server_count = 0;
				if(substr($l, 0, 8) == 'server {') $server_count += 1;
				if($server_count > 1) break;
				if(substr($l, 0, 8) == 'location' && !$islocation){
					$islocation = true;
					$level = 0;
					// Remove unnecessary whitespace
					$l = preg_replace('/\s\s+/', ' ', $l);
					$loc_parts = explode(' ', $l);
					// see
					if($loc_parts[1] == '=' || $loc_parts[1] == '~' || $loc_parts[1] == '~*' || $loc_parts[1] == '^~'){
						$location = $loc_parts[1].' '.$loc_parts[2];
					} else {
						$location = $loc_parts[1];
					if(!isset($locations[$location]['action'])) $locations[$location]['action'] = 'replace';
					if(substr($l, -9) == '##merge##'){
						$locations[$location]['action'] = 'merge';
					if(!isset($locations[$location]['open_tag'])) $locations[$location]['open_tag'] = '        location '.$location.' {';
					if(!isset($locations[$location]['location']) || $locations[$location]['action'] == 'replace') $locations[$location]['location'] = '';
					if(!isset($locations[$location]['end_tag'])) $locations[$location]['end_tag'] = '        }';
					if(!isset($locations[$location]['start_line'])) $locations[$location]['start_line'] = $i;
				} else {
						if(strpos($l, '{') !== false){
							$level += 1;
						if(strpos($l, '}') !== false && $level > 0){
							$level -= 1;
							$locations[$location]['location'] .= $lines[$i]."\n";
						} elseif(strpos($l, '}') !== false && $level == 0){
							$islocation = false;
						} else {
							$locations[$location]['location'] .= $lines[$i]."\n";
			if(is_array($locations) && !empty($locations)){
				foreach($locations as $key => $val){
					$new_location = $val['open_tag']."\n".$val['location'].$val['end_tag'];
					$lines[$val['start_line']] = $new_location;
			$vhost_conf = implode("\n", $lines);
		return $vhost_conf;
Falko Timme's avatar
Falko Timme committed
	function client_delete($event_name,$data) {
Falko Timme's avatar
Falko Timme committed
		$web_config = $app->getconf->get_server_config($conf["server_id"], 'web');
		$client_id = intval($data['old']['client_id']);
		if($client_id > 0) {
			$client_dir = $web_config['website_basedir'].'/clients/client'.$client_id;
			if(is_dir($client_dir) && !stristr($client_dir,'..')) {
				$app->log('Removed client directory: '.$client_dir,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
			$this->_exec('groupdel client'.$client_id);
			$app->log('Removed group client'.$client_id,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);

	//* Wrapper for exec function for easier debugging
	private function _exec($command) {
		global $app;
		$app->log('exec: '.$command,LOGLEVEL_DEBUG);
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Falko Timme committed
	private function _checkTcp ($host,$port) {

		$fp = @fsockopen ($host, $port, $errno, $errstr, 2);
Falko Timme's avatar
Falko Timme committed
		if ($fp) {
			return true;
		} else {
			return false;
	public function create_relative_link($f, $t) {
		// $from already exists
		$from = realpath($f);

		// realpath requires the traced file to exist - so, lets touch it first, then remove
		@$app->system->unlink($t); touch($t);
		$to = realpath($t);

		// Remove from the left side matching path elements from $from and $to
		// and get path elements counts
		$a1 = explode('/', $from); $a2 = explode('/', $to);
		for ($c = 0; $a1[$c] == $a2[$c]; $c++) {
			unset($a1[$c]); unset($a2[$c]);
		$cfrom = implode('/', $a1);

		// Check if a path is fully a subpath of another - no way to create symlink in the case
		if (count($a1) == 0 || count($a2) == 0) return false;

		// Add ($cnt_to-1) number of "../" elements to left side of $cfrom
		for ($c = 0; $c < (count($a2)-1); $c++) { $cfrom = '../'.$cfrom; }

		return symlink($cfrom, $to);
    private function _rewrite_quote($string) {
        return str_replace(array('.', '*', '?', '+'), array('\\.', '\\*', '\\?', '\\+'), $string);
	private function url_is_local($hostname, $domain_id){
		global $app;

		// ORDER BY clause makes sure wildcard subdomains (*) are listed last in the result array so that we can find direct matches first
		$webs = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT * FROM web_domain WHERE active = 'y' ORDER BY subdomain ASC");
		if(is_array($webs) && !empty($webs)){
			foreach($webs as $web){
				// web domain doesn't match hostname
				if(substr($hostname,-strlen($web['domain'])) != $web['domain']) continue;
				// own vhost and therefore server {} container of its own
				//if($web['type'] == 'vhostsubdomain') continue;
				// alias domains/subdomains using rewrites and therefore a server {} container of their own
				//if(($web['type'] == 'alias' || $web['type'] == 'subdomain') && $web['redirect_type'] != '' && $web['redirect_path'] != '') continue;
				if($web['subdomain'] == '*'){
					$pattern = '/\.?'.str_replace('.', '\.', $web['domain']).'$/i';
				if($web['subdomain'] == 'none'){
					if($web['domain'] == $hostname){
						if($web['domain_id'] == $domain_id || $web['parent_domain_id'] == $domain_id){
							// own vhost and therefore server {} container of its own
							if($web['type'] == 'vhostsubdomain') return false;
							// alias domains/subdomains using rewrites and therefore a server {} container of their own
							if(($web['type'] == 'alias' || $web['type'] == 'subdomain') && $web['redirect_type'] != '' && $web['redirect_path'] != '') return false;
							return true;
						} else {
							return false;
					$pattern = '/^'.str_replace('.', '\.', $web['domain']).'$/i';
				if($web['subdomain'] == 'www'){
					if($web['domain'] == $hostname || $web['subdomain'].'.'.$web['domain'] == $hostname){
						if($web['domain_id'] == $domain_id || $web['parent_domain_id'] == $domain_id){
							// own vhost and therefore server {} container of its own
							if($web['type'] == 'vhostsubdomain') return false;
							// alias domains/subdomains using rewrites and therefore a server {} container of their own
							if(($web['type'] == 'alias' || $web['type'] == 'subdomain') && $web['redirect_type'] != '' && $web['redirect_path'] != '') return false;
							return true;
						} else {
							return false;
					$pattern = '/^(www\.)?'.str_replace('.', '\.', $web['domain']).'$/i';
				if(preg_match($pattern, $hostname)){
					if($web['domain_id'] == $domain_id || $web['parent_domain_id'] == $domain_id){
						// own vhost and therefore server {} container of its own
						if($web['type'] == 'vhostsubdomain') return false;
						// alias domains/subdomains using rewrites and therefore a server {} container of their own
						if(($web['type'] == 'alias' || $web['type'] == 'subdomain') && $web['redirect_type'] != '' && $web['redirect_path'] != '') return false;
						return true;
					} else {
						return false;
		return false;
	private function get_seo_redirects($web, $prefix = '', $force_subdomain = false){
		// $force_subdomain = 'none|www'
		$seo_redirects = array();
		if(substr($web['domain'], 0, 2) === '*.') $web['subdomain'] = '*';
		if(($web['subdomain'] == 'www' || $web['subdomain'] == '*') && $force_subdomain != 'www'){
			if($web['seo_redirect'] == 'non_www_to_www'){
				$seo_redirects[$prefix.'seo_redirect_origin_domain'] = $web['domain'];
				$seo_redirects[$prefix.'seo_redirect_target_domain'] = 'www.'.$web['domain'];
				$seo_redirects[$prefix.'seo_redirect_operator'] = '=';
			if($web['seo_redirect'] == '*_domain_tld_to_www_domain_tld'){
				// ^(example\.com|(?!\bwww\b)\.example\.com)$
				// ^(example\.com|((?:\w+(?:-\w+)*\.)*)((?!www\.)\w+(?:-\w+)*)(\.example\.com))$
				$seo_redirects[$prefix.'seo_redirect_origin_domain'] = '^('.str_replace('.', '\.', $web['domain']).'|((?:\w+(?:-\w+)*\.)*)((?!www\.)\w+(?:-\w+)*)(\.'.str_replace('.', '\.', $web['domain']).'))$';
				$seo_redirects[$prefix.'seo_redirect_target_domain'] = 'www.'.$web['domain'];
				$seo_redirects[$prefix.'seo_redirect_operator'] = '~*';
			if($web['seo_redirect'] == '*_to_www_domain_tld'){
				$seo_redirects[$prefix.'seo_redirect_origin_domain'] = 'www.'.$web['domain'];
				$seo_redirects[$prefix.'seo_redirect_target_domain'] = 'www.'.$web['domain'];
				$seo_redirects[$prefix.'seo_redirect_operator'] = '!=';
		if($force_subdomain != 'none'){
			if($web['seo_redirect'] == 'www_to_non_www'){
				$seo_redirects[$prefix.'seo_redirect_origin_domain'] = 'www.'.$web['domain'];
				$seo_redirects[$prefix.'seo_redirect_target_domain'] = $web['domain'];
				$seo_redirects[$prefix.'seo_redirect_operator'] = '=';
			if($web['seo_redirect'] == '*_domain_tld_to_domain_tld'){
				// ^(.+)\.example\.com$
				$seo_redirects[$prefix.'seo_redirect_origin_domain'] = '^(.+)\.'.str_replace('.', '\.', $web['domain']).'$';
				$seo_redirects[$prefix.'seo_redirect_target_domain'] = $web['domain'];
				$seo_redirects[$prefix.'seo_redirect_operator'] = '~*';
			if($web['seo_redirect'] == '*_to_domain_tld'){
				$seo_redirects[$prefix.'seo_redirect_origin_domain'] = $web['domain'];
				$seo_redirects[$prefix.'seo_redirect_target_domain'] = $web['domain'];
				$seo_redirects[$prefix.'seo_redirect_operator'] = '!=';
		return $seo_redirects;