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Snippets Groups Projects
Forked from ISPConfig / ISPConfig 3
9726 commits behind the upstream repository. 4.33 KiB

class plugin_listview extends plugin_base {

        var $module;
        var $form;
        var $tab;
        var $record_id;
        var $formdef;
        var $options;

        function onShow() {

                global $app;


                //$app->listform->SQLExtWhere = "type = 'alias'";

                $listTpl = new tpl;

                // Changing some of the list values to reflect that the list is called within a tform page
                $app->listform->listDef["file"] = $app->tform->formDef["action"];
                // $app->listform->listDef["page_params"] = "&id=".$app->tform_actions->id."&next_tab=".$_SESSION["s"]["form"]["tab"];
				$app->listform->listDef["page_params"] = "&id=".$this->form->id."&next_tab=".$_SESSION["s"]["form"]["tab"];

                // Generate the SQL for searching
                if($app->listform->listDef["auth"] != 'no') {
                        if($_SESSION["s"]["user"]["typ"] == "admin") {
                                $sql_where = "";
                        } else {
                                $sql_where = $app->tform->getAuthSQL('r')." and";

                if($this->options["sqlextwhere"] != '') {
                        $sql_where .= " ".$this->options["sqlextwhere"]." and";

                $sql_where = $app->listform->getSearchSQL($sql_where);

                // Generate SQL for paging
                $limit_sql = $app->listform->getPagingSQL($sql_where);
				$sql_order_by = '';
				if(isset($this->options["sql_order_by"])) {
					$sql_order_by = $this->options["sql_order_by"];

                // Get the data
                $records = $app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT * FROM ".$app->listform->listDef["table"]." WHERE $sql_where $sql_order_by $limit_sql");

                $bgcolor = "#FFFFFF";
                if(is_array($records)) {
                        $idx_key = $app->listform->listDef["table_idx"];
                        foreach($records as $rec) {

                                $rec = $app->listform->decode($rec);

                                // Change of color
                                $bgcolor = ($bgcolor == "#FFFFFF")?"#EEEEEE":"#FFFFFF";
                                $rec["bgcolor"] = $bgcolor;
								// substitute value for select fields
								foreach($app->listform->listDef["item"] as $field) {
									$key = $field["field"];
									if($field['formtype'] == "SELECT") {
										$rec[$key] = $field['value'][$rec[$key]];
									// Create a lowercase version of every item
									$rec[$key.'_lowercase'] = strtolower($rec[$key]);

                                // The variable "id" contains always the index field
                                $rec["id"] = $rec[$idx_key];

                                $records_new[] = $rec;


                // Loading language field
                $lng_file = "lib/lang/".$_SESSION["s"]["language"]."_".$app->listform->listDef['name']."_list.lng";

                // Setting Returnto information in the session
                $list_name = $app->listform->listDef["name"];
                // $_SESSION["s"]["list"][$list_name]["parent_id"] = $app->tform_actions->id;
				$_SESSION["s"]["list"][$list_name]["parent_id"] = $this->form->id;
				$_SESSION["s"]["list"][$list_name]["parent_name"] = $app->tform->formDef["name"];
                $_SESSION["s"]["list"][$list_name]["parent_tab"] = $_SESSION["s"]["form"]["tab"];
                $_SESSION["s"]["list"][$list_name]["parent_script"] = $app->tform->formDef["action"];
                $_SESSION["s"]["form"]["return_to"] = $list_name;

                return $listTpl->grab();

