Forked from
ISPConfig / ISPConfig 3 7.48 KiB
class remoting {
//* remote session timeout in seconds
private $session_timeout = 600;
private $server;
These variables shall stay global.
Please do not make them private variables.
private $app;
private $conf;
public function __construct()
global $server;
$this->server = $server;
$this->app = $app;
$this->conf = $conf;
//* remote login function
public function login($username, $password)
global $app, $conf, $server;
if(empty($username)) {
$this->server->fault('login_username_empty', 'The login username is empty');
return false;
if(empty($password)) {
$this->server->fault('login_password_empty', 'The login password is empty');
return false;
$username = $app->db->quote($username);
$password = $app->db->quote($password);
$sql = "SELECT * FROM remote_user WHERE remote_username = '$username' and remote_password = md5('$password')";
$remote_user = $app->db->queryOneRecord($sql);
if($remote_user['remote_userid'] > 0) {
//* Create a remote user session
srand ((double)microtime()*1000000);
$remote_session = md5(rand());
$remote_userid = $remote_user['remote_userid'];
$remote_functions = $remote_user['remote_functions'];
$tstamp = time() + $this->session_timeout;
$sql = 'INSERT INTO remote_session (remote_session,remote_userid,remote_functions,tstamp'
.') VALUES ('
." '$remote_session',$remote_userid,'$remote_functions',$tstamp)";
return $remote_session;
} else {
$this->server->fault('login_failed', 'The login failed. Username or password wrong.');
return false;
//* remote logout function
public function logout($session_id)
global $app;
if(empty($session_id)) {
$this->server->fault('session_id_empty', 'The SessionID is empty.');
return false;
$session_id = $app->db->quote($session_id);
$sql = "DELETE FROM remote_session WHERE remote_session = '$session_id'";
return ($app->db->affectedRows() == 1);
//* Get mail domain details
public function mail_domain_get($session_id, $domain_id)
if(!$this->checkPerm($session_id, 'mail_domain_get')) {
$this->server->fault('permission_denied', 'You do not have the permissions to access this function.');
return false;
return $app->remoting_lib->getDataRecord($domain_id);
//* Add a mail domain
public function mail_domain_add($session_id, $client_id, $params)
if(!$this->checkPerm($session_id, 'mail_domain_add')) {
$this->server->fault('permission_denied', 'You do not have the permissions to access this function.');
return false;
$domain_id = $this->insertQuery('../mail/form/mail_domain.tform.php',$client_id,$params);
return $domain_id;
//* Update a mail domain
public function mail_domain_update($session_id, $client_id, $domain_id, $params)
if(!$this->checkPerm($session_id, 'mail_domain_update')) {
$this->server->fault('permission_denied', 'You do not have the permissions to access this function.');
return false;
$affected_rows = $this->updateQuery('../mail/form/mail_domain.tform.php',$client_id,$domain_id,$params);
return $affected_rows;
//* Delete a mail domain
public function mail_domain_delete($session_id, $domain_id)
if(!$this->checkPerm($session_id, 'mail_domain_delete')) {
$this->server->fault('permission_denied', 'You do not have the permissions to access this function.');
return false;
$affected_rows = $this->updateQuery('../mail/form/mail_domain.tform.php',$domain_id);
return $affected_rows;
//** private functions -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
private function insertQuery($formdef_file, $client_id, $params)
global $app;
//* Load the form definition
//* load the user profile of the client
//* Get the SQL query
$sql = $app->remoting_lib->getSQL($params,'INSERT',0);
if($app->remoting_lib->errorMessage != '') {
$this->server->fault('data_processing_error', $app->remoting_lib->errorMessage);
return false;
if($app->db->errorMessage != '') {
$this->server->fault('database_error', $app->db->errorMessage . ' '.$sql);
return false;
$insert_id = $app->db->insertID();
//* Save changes to Datalog
if($app->remoting_lib->formDef["db_history"] == 'yes') {
$new_rec = $app->remoting_lib->getDataRecord($insert_id);
return $insert_id;
private function updateQuery($formdef_file, $client_id, $primary_id, $params)
global $app;
//* Load the form definition
//* load the user profile of the client
//* Get the SQL query
$sql = $app->remoting_lib->getSQL($params,'UPDATE',$primary_id);
if($app->remoting_lib->errorMessage != '') {
$this->server->fault('data_processing_error', $app->remoting_lib->errorMessage);
return false;
$old_rec = $app->remoting_lib->getDataRecord($primary_id);
if($app->db->errorMessage != '') {
$this->server->fault('database_error', $app->db->errorMessage . ' '.$sql);
return false;
$affected_rows = $app->db->affectedRows();
//* Save changes to Datalog
if($app->remoting_lib->formDef["db_history"] == 'yes') {
$new_rec = $app->remoting_lib->getDataRecord($primary_id);
return $affected_rows;
private function deleteQuery($formdef_file, $primary_id)
global $app;
//* Load the form definition
//* Get the SQL query
$sql = $app->remoting_lib->getDeleteSQL($primary_id);
if($app->db->errorMessage != '') {
$this->server->fault('database_error', $app->db->errorMessage . ' '.$sql);
return false;
$affected_rows = $app->db->affectedRows();
//* Save changes to Datalog
if($app->remoting_lib->formDef["db_history"] == 'yes') {
$rec = $app->remoting_lib->getDataRecord($primary_id);
return $affected_rows;
private function checkPerm($session_id, $function_name)
$session = $this->getSession($session_id);
return false;
return in_array($function_name, explode(',', $session['remote_functions']) );
private function getSession($session_id)
global $app;
if(empty($session_id)) {
$this->server->fault('session_id_empty','The SessionID is empty.');
return false;
$session_id = $app->db->quote($session_id);
$now = time();
$sql = "SELECT * FROM remote_session WHERE remote_session = '$session_id' AND tstamp >= $now";
$session = $app->db->queryOneRecord($sql);
if($session['remote_userid'] > 0) {
return $session;
} else {
$this->server->fault('session_does_not_exist','The Session is expired or does not exist.');
return false;