Forked from
ISPConfig / ISPConfig 3
8232 commits behind the upstream repository. 5.74 KiB
* vlibIni is a class used to store configuration parameters
* for the vLIB library.
* @since 21/07/2002
* @author Kelvin Jones <>
* @copyright 2002 Active Fish Group
* @package vLIB
* @access private
/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: */
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | PHP version 4.0 |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Copyright (c) 2002 Active Fish Group |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Authors: Kelvin Jones <> |
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// $Id: vlibIni.php,v 1.1 2003/07/08 12:31:10 platinum Exp $
; This file contains configuration parametres for use ;
; with the vLIB library. [ NOW A CLASS!! ] ;
; ;
; vLIB uses this file so that for future releases, you ;
; will not have to delve through all the php script ;
; again to set your specific variable/properties ..etc ;
; ;
; ---------------------------------------------------- ;
; ATTENTION: Do NOT remove any variable given in the ;
; configurations below as they will probably still be ;
; needed by vLIB. If you do not need a variable simply ;
; let it be. ;
if (!defined('vlibIniClassLoaded')) {
define('vlibIniClassLoaded', 1);
class vlibIni{
/** Returns $array of config vars for vlibTemplate */
public static function vlibTemplate()
$tpl_dir = ISPC_THEMES_PATH.'/'.$_SESSION['s']['theme'].'/templates';
$def_tpl_dir = ISPC_THEMES_PATH.'/default/templates';
return array(
'INCLUDE_PATHS' => array($tpl_dir), // The path, searched BEVORE the template_dir is searched for the template-file
'TEMPLATE_DIR' => $def_tpl_dir, // Default directory for your template files (full path)
// leave the '/' or '\' off the end of the directory.
'MAX_INCLUDES' => 10, // Drill depth for tmpl_include's
'GLOBAL_VARS' => 1, // if set to 1, any variables not found in a
// loop will search for a global var as well
'GLOBAL_CONTEXT_VARS' => 1, // if set to 1, vlibTemplate will add global vars
// reflecting the environment.
'LOOP_CONTEXT_VARS' => 1, // if set to 1, vlibTemplate will add loop specific vars
// on each row of the loop.
'SET_LOOP_VAR' => 1, // Sets a global variable for each top level loops
'DEFAULT_ESCAPE' => 'none', // 1 of the following: html, url, sq, dq, none
'STRICT' => 0, // Dies when encountering an incorrect tmpl_*
// style tags i.e. tmpl_vae
'CASELESS' => 0, // Removes case sensitivity on all variables
'UNKNOWNS' => 'ignore', // How to handle unknown variables.
// 1 of the following: ignore, remove, leave,print, comment
// 1 of the following: ignore, remove, leave, print, comment
'TIME_PARSE' => '0', // Will enable you to time how long vlibTemplate takes to parse
// your template. You then use the function: getParseTime().
'ENABLE_PHPINCLUDE' => '1', // Will allow template to include a php file using <TMPL_PHPINCLUDE>
/* the following are only used by the vlibTemplateCache class. */
// pedro notes:: triggers a notice as its not set - was $conf['template']['cache_dir'],
// Directory where the cached filesystem
// will be set up (full path, and must be writable)
// '/' or '\' off the end of the directory.
'CACHE_LIFETIME' => 604800, // Duration until file is re-cached in seconds (604800 = 1 week)
'CACHE_EXTENSION' => 'vtc' // extention to be used by the cached file i.e. index.php will become
// index.vtc (vlibTemplate Compiled)
} // << end function vlibTemplate
/** Returns $array of config vars for vlibDate */
public function vlibDate()
return array( 'DEFAULT_LANG' => 'de' ); //* default language for the date displays
}// << end class vlibIni
} // << if Defined