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 * Description of class
 * @author croydon
class ISPConfigDebianOS extends ISPConfigBaseOS {
	public function getPackageVersion($package) {
		$cmd = 'dpkg --list ' . $package . ' 2>&1';
		$result = $this->exec($cmd);
		$version = false;
		$matches = array();
		if(preg_match_all('/^ii\s+\S+\s+(\S+)(?:\s|$)/m', $result, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
			for($i = 0; $i < count($matches); $i++) {
				$tmp_version = $matches[$i][1];
				if(!$version || ISPProtectFunctions::version_compare($version, $tmp_version, '<')) {
					$version = $tmp_version;
		return $version;
	public function getPackageAlias($package) {
		switch($package) {
			case 'libssl':
				$package = 'libssl[0-9]*';
			case 'kernel':
				$package = 'linux-image-[0-9]*';
		return $package;
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	public function getUpdateCommand($mode = 'update') {
		$cmd = false;
		if($mode == 'prepare') {
			$cmd = 'DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive" apt-get update -qq -y';
		} elseif($mode == 'update') {
			// for updating all updateable packages
			$cmd = 'DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive" apt-get dist-upgrade -qq -y';
		} elseif($mode == 'install' || $mode == 'partly_update') {
			// for installing / updating specific packages
			$cmd = 'DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive" apt-get install -qq -y';
			$cmd .= ' <PACKAGES>';
		$cmd = 'while fuser /var/lib/dpkg/lock >/dev/null 2>&1 || fuser /var/lib/apt/lists/lock >/dev/null 2>&1 ; do sleep 2; done; ' . $cmd . ' 2>&1';
		return $cmd;
	public function getUpdatePackageRegex() {
		$regex = '^\w+\s+(?P<package>\S+)\s+(?:\[(?P<oldversion>\S+)\]\s*)?(?:\((?P<newversion>\S+))?(?:\s|$)';
		return $regex;
	public function getInstallPackageRegex($mode = '') {
		if($mode == 'oldversion') {
			$regex = '(?P<package>\S+)\s+(?:(?P<oldversion>\d\S+)\s+)?\(.*\.deb';
		} elseif($mode == 'newversion') {
			$regex = '(?:^|\s+)(?P<package>\S+)\s+\((?P<newversion>\d\S*)\)\s+';
		} else {
			$regex = ''; // not on debian!
		return $regex;
	public function getRestartServiceCommand($service, $command = 'restart') {
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		if($command != 'start' && $command != 'stop' && $command != 'status') {
			$command = 'restart';

		switch($service) {
			case 'apache':
				$service = 'apache2';
			case 'pureftpd':
				$service = 'pure-ftpd-mysql';
		return 'service ' . escapeshellarg($service) . ' ' . $command . ' 2>&1';
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	protected function updateMySQLConfig($mysql_root_pw) {
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		ISPConfigLog::info('Writing MySQL config files.', true);
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		$this->replaceContents('/etc/mysql/debian.cnf', array('/^password\s*=.*$/m' => 'password = ' . $mysql_root_pw));
		$this->replaceContents('/etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/50-server.cnf', array('/^bind-address/m' => '#bind-address', '/^sql-mode\s*=.*?$/m' => 'sql-mode = "NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION"'), true, 'mysqld');
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	protected function getPackagesToInstall($section) {
		if($section === 'mail') {
			$packages = array(
			if(ISPConfig::shallInstall('mail')) {
				$packages[] = 'spamassassin';
				if(ISPConfig::wantsAmavis()) {
					$packages[] = 'amavisd-new';
				} else {
					$packages[] = 'rspamd';
					$packages[] = 'redis-server';
				$packages[] = 'postgrey';
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		return $packages;
	protected function getApacheModulesToEnable() {
		$modules = array('suexec', 'rewrite', 'ssl', 'actions', 'include', 'dav_fs', 'dav', 'auth_digest', 'cgi', 'headers', 'proxy_fcgi', 'alias');
		return $modules;
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	protected function setDefaultPHP() {
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		ISPConfigLog::info('Settings default system php version.', true);
		$cmd = 'update-alternatives --set php /usr/bin/php7.0 ; update-alternatives --set php-cgi /usr/bin/php-cgi7.0';
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		$result = $this->exec($cmd);
		if($result === false) {
			throw new ISPConfigOSException('Command ' . $cmd . ' failed.');
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	protected function installPHPMyAdmin($mysql_root_pw) {
		if(!ISPConfig::shallInstall('web') || !ISPConfig::shallInstall('pma')) {
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		$cmd = 'APP_PASS="' . ISPConfigFunctions::generatePassword(15) . '"' . "\n";
		$cmd .= 'ROOT_PASS="' . $mysql_root_pw . '"' . "\n";
		$cmd .= 'APP_DB_PASS="' . ISPConfigFunctions::generatePassword(15) . '"' . "\n";
		$cmd .= 'echo "phpmyadmin phpmyadmin/dbconfig-install boolean true" | debconf-set-selections 2>&1' . "\n";
		$cmd .= 'echo "phpmyadmin phpmyadmin/app-password-confirm password $APP_PASS" | debconf-set-selections 2>&1' . "\n";
		$cmd .= 'echo "phpmyadmin phpmyadmin/mysql/admin-user string root" | debconf-set-selections 2>&1' . "\n";
		$cmd .= 'echo "phpmyadmin phpmyadmin/mysql/admin-pass password $ROOT_PASS" | debconf-set-selections 2>&1' . "\n";
		$cmd .= 'echo "phpmyadmin phpmyadmin/mysql/app-pass password $APP_DB_PASS" | debconf-set-selections 2>&1' . "\n";
		$cmd .= 'echo "phpmyadmin phpmyadmin/reconfigure-webserver multiselect apache2" | debconf-set-selections 2>&1' . "\n";
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		$result = $this->exec($cmd);
		if($result === false) {
			throw new ISPConfigOSException('Command ' . $cmd . ' failed.');
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	protected function fixDbconfigCommon() {
		ISPConfigLog::info('Fixing dbconfig-common if neccessary');
		$replacements = array(
			'/_dbc_nodb="yes" dbc_mysql_exec/' => '_dbc_nodb="yes"; dbc_mysql_exec'
		$this->replaceContents('/usr/share/dbconfig-common/internal/mysql', $replacements, false);
	protected function setPHPTimezone() {
		if(!is_file('/etc/timezone')) {
		$tz = trim(file_get_contents('/etc/timezone'));
		if(!in_array($tz, timezone_identifiers_list())) {
		// set in all php inis
		$ini_files = array(
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