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en_database.lng 3.16 KiB
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$wb["server_id_txt"] = 'Server';
$wb["type_txt"] = 'Type';
$wb["database_name_txt"] = 'Database name';
$wb["database_user_txt"] = 'Database user';
$wb['database_ro_user_txt'] = 'Read-only database user';
$wb['optional_txt'] = 'optional';
$wb["database_password_txt"] = 'Database password';
$wb["password_strength_txt"] = 'Password strength';
redray's avatar
redray committed
$wb["database_charset_txt"] = 'Database charset';
$wb['select_dbuser_txt'] = 'Select database user';
$wb['no_dbuser_txt'] = 'None';
$wb["remote_access_txt"] = 'Remote Access';
$wb["remote_ips_txt"] = 'Remote Access IPs (separate by , and leave blank for <i>any</i>)';
$wb["database_remote_error_ips"] = 'At least one of the entered ip addresses is invalid.';
$wb["client_txt"] = 'Client';
$wb['database_client_differs_txt'] = 'The client of the parent web and the database do not match.';
$wb["database_name_error_empty"] = 'Database name is empty.';
$wb["database_name_error_unique"] = 'There is already a database with this name on the server. To get a unique name, e.g. prepend your domain name to the database name.';
$wb["database_name_error_regex"] = 'Invalid database name. The database name may contain these characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and the underscore. Length: 2 - 64 characters.';
$wb["database_user_error_empty"] = 'Database user is empty.';
$wb["database_user_error_unique"] = 'There is already a database user with this name on the server. To get a unique name, e.g. prepend your domain name to the username.';
$wb["database_user_error_regex"] = 'Invalid database user name. The username may contain these characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and the underscore. Length: 2 - 64 characters.';
$wb["limit_database_txt"] = 'The max. number of databases is reached.';
tbrehm's avatar
tbrehm committed
$wb["database_name_change_txt"] = 'The database name can not be changed';
$wb["database_user_missing_txt"] = 'Please select a database user for this database.';
redray's avatar
redray committed
$wb["database_charset_change_txt"] = 'The database charset can not be changed';
$wb["database_name_error_len"] = 'Database name - {db} - too long. The max. database name length incl. prefix is 64 chars.';
Falko Timme's avatar
Falko Timme committed
$wb["database_user_error_len"] = 'Database username - {user} - too long. The max. database username length incl. prefix is 16 chars.';
$wb["parent_domain_id_txt"] = 'Site';
$wb["database_site_error_empty"] = 'Select the site to which the database belongs.';
$wb["select_site_txt"] = '- Select Site -';
$wb["btn_save_txt"] = 'Save';
$wb["btn_cancel_txt"] = 'Cancel';
$wb['generate_password_txt'] = 'Generate Password';
$wb['repeat_password_txt'] = 'Repeat Password';
$wb['password_mismatch_txt'] = 'The passwords do not match.';
$wb['password_match_txt'] = 'The passwords do match.';
Falko Timme's avatar
Falko Timme committed
$wb['globalsearch_resultslimit_of_txt'] = "of";
$wb['globalsearch_resultslimit_results_txt'] = "results";
$wb['globalsearch_noresults_text_txt'] = "No results.";
$wb['globalsearch_noresults_limit_txt'] = "0 results";
$wb['globalsearch_searchfield_watermark_txt'] = "Search";
$wb['globalsearch_suggestions_text_txt'] = "Suggestions";
$wb['limit_database_quota_txt'] = 'Database quota';
$wb['limit_database_quota_error_notint'] = 'The database quota limit must be a number.';
$wb['limit_database_quota_free_txt']='Max. available DB quota ';