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opensuse_dovecot.conf.master 51.1 KiB
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    #args = 

  # SQL database <doc/wiki/AuthDatabase.SQL.txt>
  passdb sql {
    # Path for SQL configuration file, see doc/dovecot-sql-example.conf
    args = /etc/dovecot/dovecot-sql.conf

  # LDAP database <doc/wiki/AuthDatabase.LDAP.txt>
  #passdb ldap {
    # Path for LDAP configuration file, see doc/dovecot-ldap-example.conf
    #args = 

  # vpopmail authentication <doc/wiki/AuthDatabase.VPopMail.txt>
  #passdb vpopmail {
    # [cache_key=<key>] - See cache_key in PAM for explanation.
    # [quota_template=<template>] - %q expands to Maildir++ quota
    #   (eg. quota_template=quota_rule=*:backend=%q)
    #args =

  # User database specifies where mails are located and what user/group IDs
  # own them. For single-UID configuration use "static".
  # <doc/wiki/UserDatabase.txt>

  # "prefetch" user database means that the passdb already provided the
  # needed information and there's no need to do a separate userdb lookup.
  # This can be made to work with SQL and LDAP databases, see their example
  # configuration files for more information how to do it.
  # <doc/wiki/UserDatabase.Prefetch.txt>
  userdb prefetch {

  # System users (NSS, /etc/passwd, or similiar). In many systems nowadays this
  # uses Name Service Switch, which is configured in /etc/nsswitch.conf.
  # <doc/wiki/AuthDatabase.Passwd.txt>
  userdb passwd {
    # [blocking=yes] - By default the lookups are done in the main dovecot-auth
    # process. This setting causes the lookups to be done in auth worker
    # proceses. Useful with remote NSS lookups that may block.
    # NOTE: Be sure to use this setting with nss_ldap or users might get
    # logged in as each others!
    #args = 

  # passwd-like file with specified location
  # <doc/wiki/AuthDatabase.PasswdFile.txt>
  #userdb passwd-file {
    # [username_format=<format>] <Path for passwd-file>
    #args =

  # checkpassword executable user database lookup
  # <doc/wiki/AuthDatabase.CheckPassword.txt>
  #userdb checkpassword {
    # Path for checkpassword binary
    #args = 

  # static settings generated from template <doc/wiki/UserDatabase.Static.txt>
  #userdb static {
    # Template for the fields. Can return anything a userdb could normally
    # return. For example:
    #  args = uid=500 gid=500 home=/var/mail/%u
    # If you use deliver, it needs to look up users only from the userdb. This
    # of course doesn't work with static because there is no list of users.
    # Normally static userdb handles this by doing a passdb lookup. This works
    # with most passdbs, with PAM being the most notable exception. If you do
    # the user verification another way, you can add allow_all_users=yes to
    # the args in which case the passdb lookup is skipped.
    #args = 

  # SQL database <doc/wiki/AuthDatabase.SQL.txt>
  userdb sql {
    # Path for SQL configuration file, see doc/dovecot-sql-example.conf
    args = /etc/dovecot/dovecot-sql.conf

  # LDAP database <doc/wiki/AuthDatabase.LDAP.txt>
  #userdb ldap {
    # Path for LDAP configuration file, see doc/dovecot-ldap-example.conf
    #args = 

  # vpopmail <doc/wiki/AuthDatabase.VPopMail.txt>
  #userdb vpopmail {

  # User to use for the process. This user needs access to only user and
  # password databases, nothing else. Only shadow and pam authentication
  # requires roots, so use something else if possible. Note that passwd
  # authentication with BSDs internally accesses shadow files, which also
  # requires roots. Note that this user is NOT used to access mails.
  # That user is specified by userdb above.
  user = root

  # Directory where to chroot the process. Most authentication backends don't
  # work if this is set, and there's no point chrooting if auth_user is root.
  # Note that valid_chroot_dirs isn't needed to use this setting.
  #chroot = 

  # Number of authentication processes to create
  #count = 1

  # Require a valid SSL client certificate or the authentication fails.
  #ssl_require_client_cert = no

  # Take the username from client's SSL certificate, using 
  # X509_NAME_get_text_by_NID() which returns the subject's DN's
  # CommonName. 
  #ssl_username_from_cert = no

  # It's possible to export the authentication interface to other programs:
  socket listen {
    master {
      # Master socket provides access to userdb information. It's typically
      # used to give Dovecot's local delivery agent access to userdb so it
      # can find mailbox locations.
      path = /var/run/dovecot/auth-master
      mode = 0600
      # Default user/group is the one who started dovecot-auth (root)
      user = vmail
      #group = 
    client {
      # The client socket is generally safe to export to everyone. Typical use
      # is to export it to your SMTP server so it can do SMTP AUTH lookups
      # using it.
      path = /var/spool/postfix/private/auth
      mode = 0660
      user = postfix
      group = postfix

# If you wish to use another authentication server than dovecot-auth, you can
# use connect sockets. They are assumed to be already running, Dovecot's master
# process only tries to connect to them. They don't need any other settings
# than the path for the master socket, as the configuration is done elsewhere.
# Note that the client sockets must exist in the login_dir.
#auth external {
#  socket connect {
#    master {
#      path = /var/run/dovecot/auth-master
#    }
#  }

## Dictionary server settings

# Dictionary can be used by some plugins to store key=value lists, such as
# quota, expire and acl plugins. The dictionary can be used either directly or
# though a dictionary server. The following dict block maps dictionary names to
# URIs when the server is used. These can then be referenced using URIs in
# format "proxy::<name>".

dict {
  #quota = mysql:/etc/dovecot-dict-quota.conf 
  #expire = db:/var/lib/dovecot/expire.db

# Path to Berkeley DB's configuration file. See doc/dovecot-db-example.conf
#dict_db_config = 

## Plugin settings

plugin {
  # Here you can give some extra environment variables to mail processes.
  # This is mostly meant for passing parameters to plugins. %variable
  # expansion is done for all values.

  # Quota plugin. Multiple backends are supported:
  #   dirsize: Find and sum all the files found from mail directory.
  #            Extremely SLOW with Maildir. It'll eat your CPU and disk I/O.
  #   dict: Keep quota stored in dictionary (eg. SQL)
  #   maildir: Maildir++ quota
  #   fs: Read-only support for filesystem quota
  # Quota limits are set using "quota_rule" parameters, either in here or in
  # userdb. It's also possible to give mailbox-specific limits, for example:
  #   quota_rule = *:storage=1048576
  #   quota_rule2 = Trash:storage=102400
  # User has now 1GB quota, but when saving to Trash mailbox the user gets
  # additional 100MB.
  # Multiple quota roots are also possible, for example:
  #   quota = dict:user::proxy::quota
  #   quota2 = dict:domain:%d:proxy::quota_domain
  #   quota_rule = *:storage=102400
  #   quota2_rule = *:storage=1048576
  # Gives each user their own 100MB quota and one shared 1GB quota within
  # the domain.
  # You can execute a given command when user exceeds a specified quota limit.
  # Each quota root has separate limits. Only the command for the first
  # exceeded limit is excecuted, so put the highest limit first.
  # Note that % needs to be escaped as %%, otherwise "% " expands to empty.
  #   quota_warning = storage=95%% /usr/local/bin/ 95
  #   quota_warning2 = storage=80%% /usr/local/bin/ 80
  #quota = maildir
  quota = maildir

  # ACL plugin. vfile backend reads ACLs from "dovecot-acl" file from maildir
  # directory. You can also optionally give a global ACL directory path where
  # ACLs are applied to all users' mailboxes. The global ACL directory contains
  # one file for each mailbox, eg. INBOX or sub.mailbox. cache_secs parameter
  # specifies how many seconds to wait between stat()ing dovecot-acl file
  # to see if it changed.
  #acl = vfile:/etc/dovecot-acls:cache_secs=300

  # To let users LIST mailboxes shared by other users, Dovecot needs a
  # shared mailbox dictionary. For example:
  #acl_shared_dict = file:/var/lib/dovecot/shared-mailboxes

  # Convert plugin. If set, specifies the source storage path which is
  # converted to destination storage (mail_location) when the user logs in.
  # The existing mail directory is renamed to <dir>-converted.
  #convert_mail = mbox:%h/mail
  # Skip mailboxes which we can't open successfully instead of aborting.
  #convert_skip_broken_mailboxes = no
  # Skip directories beginning with '.'
  #convert_skip_dotdirs = no
  # If source storage has mailbox names with destination storage's hierarchy
  # separators, replace them with this character.
  #convert_alt_hierarchy_char = _

  # Trash plugin. When saving a message would make user go over quota, this
  # plugin automatically deletes the oldest mails from configured mailboxes
  # until the message can be saved within quota limits. The configuration file
  # is a text file where each line is in format: <priority> <mailbox name>
  # Mails are first deleted in lowest -> highest priority number order
  #trash = /etc/dovecot-trash.conf

  # Expire plugin. Mails are expunged from mailboxes after being there the
  # configurable time. The first expiration date for each mailbox is stored in
  # a dictionary so it can be quickly determined which mailboxes contain
  # expired mails. The actual expunging is done in a nightly cronjob, which
  # you must set up:
  #   dovecot --exec-mail ext /usr/lib/dovecot/expire-tool
  #expire = Trash 7 Spam 30
  #expire_dict = proxy::expire

  # Lazy expunge plugin. Currently works only with maildirs. When a user
  # expunges mails, the mails are moved to a mailbox in another namespace
  # (1st). When a mailbox is deleted, the mailbox is moved to another namespace
  # (2nd) as well. Also if the deleted mailbox had any expunged messages,
  # they're moved to a 3rd namespace. The mails won't be counted in quota,
  # and they're not deleted automatically (use a cronjob or something).

  # Events to log. Also available: flag_change append
  #mail_log_events = delete undelete expunge copy mailbox_delete mailbox_rename
  # Group events within a transaction to one line.
  #mail_log_group_events = no
  # Available fields: uid, box, msgid, from, subject, size, vsize, flags
  # size and vsize are available only for expunge and copy events.
  #mail_log_fields = uid box msgid size

  # Sieve plugin ( and ManageSieve service
  # Location of the active script. When ManageSieve is used this is actually 
  # a symlink pointing to the active script in the sieve storage directory. 
  # The path to the directory where the personal Sieve scripts are stored. For 
  # ManageSieve this is where the uploaded scripts are stored.

  sieve_max_script_size = 2M
  sieve_max_actions = 100
  sieve_max_redirects = 25

# Config files can also be included. deliver doesn't support them currently.
#!include /etc/dovecot/conf.d/*.conf
# Optional configurations, don't give an error if it's not found:
#!include_try /etc/dovecot/extra.conf