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it_users.lng 1.24 KiB
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$wb['username_txt'] = 'Nome utente';
$wb['username_err'] = 'Nome utente troppo lungo o avente caratteri non validi.';
$wb['username_empty'] = 'Nome utente mancante.';
$wb['username_unique'] = 'Nome utente già utilizzato.';
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fantu committed
$wb['passwort_txt'] = 'Password';
$wb['password_strength_txt'] = 'Solidità password';
$wb['modules_txt'] = 'Modulo';
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fantu committed
$wb['startmodule_txt'] = 'Startmodule';
$wb['app_theme_txt'] = 'Design';
$wb['typ_txt'] = 'Tipo';
$wb['active_txt'] = 'Attiva';
$wb['language_txt'] = 'Lingua';
$wb['name_txt'] = 'Nome';
$wb['vorname_txt'] = 'Cognome';
$wb['unternehmen_txt'] = 'Azienda';
$wb['strasse_txt'] = 'Via';
$wb['ort_txt'] = 'Città';
$wb['plz_txt'] = 'CAP';
$wb['land_txt'] = 'Stato';
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fantu committed
$wb['email_txt'] = 'Email';
$wb['url_txt'] = 'Url';
$wb['telefon_txt'] = 'Telefono';
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$wb['fax_txt'] = 'Fax';
$wb['groups_txt'] = 'Gruppi';
$wb['default_group_txt'] = 'Gruppo predefinito';
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fantu committed
$wb['startmodule_err'] = 'Start module is not within modules.';
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$wb['generate_password_txt'] = 'Generate Password';
$wb['repeat_password_txt'] = 'Repeat Password';
$wb['password_mismatch_txt'] = 'The passwords do not match.';
$wb['password_match_txt'] = 'The passwords do match.';
$wb['username_error_collision'] = 'The username may not be web or web plus a number.\"';
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