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ro_mail_user.lng 3.51 KiB
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$wb['custom_mailfilter_txt'] = 'Schema (recipe) personalizata  mail filter ';
$wb['email_txt'] = 'Email';
$wb['cryptpwd_txt'] = 'Password';
$wb['password_strength_txt'] = 'Tarie Password ';
$wb['active_txt'] = 'Active';
$wb['email_error_isemail'] = 'Email address este  invalida';
$wb['email_error_unique'] = 'Duplicate Email_ address.';
$wb['autoresponder_text_txt'] = 'Text';
$wb['autoresponder_txt'] = 'Autoresponder';
$wb['no_domain_perm'] = 'Nu aveti permisiuni pe acest domeniu';
$wb['error_no_pwd'] = 'Password e necompletat';
$wb['quota_error_isint'] = 'Marimea Mailbox  trebuie s afie un numar';
$wb['quota_txt'] = 'Quota';
$wb['server_id_txt'] = 'Server_id';
$wb['password_txt'] = 'Password';
$wb['password_click_to_set_txt'] = 'Click to set';
$wb['maildir_txt'] = 'Maildir';
$wb['postfix_txt'] = 'Enable Receiving';
Dominik's avatar
Dominik committed
$wb['greylisting_txt'] = 'Enable greylisting';
$wb['access_txt'] = 'Enable Access';
$wb['policy_txt'] = 'Spamfilter';
$wb['inherit_policy'] = '- Inherit domain setting -';
$wb['limit_mailbox_txt'] = 'Numarul maxim de MAILBOX pe contul dumneavoastra a fost atins';
$wb['limit_mailquota_txt'] = 'Spatiul maxim pentru MAILBOX a fost atins.Acesta este ';
$wb['disableimap_txt'] = 'Blocheaza IMAP';
$wb['disablepop3_txt'] = 'Blocheaza POP3';
tbrehm's avatar
tbrehm committed
$wb['autoresponder_start_date_txt'] = 'Start on';
$wb['autoresponder_start_date_ispast'] = 'Start date cannot be in the past.';
tbrehm's avatar
tbrehm committed
$wb['autoresponder_end_date_txt'] = 'End by';
$wb['autoresponder_end_date_isgreater'] = 'End date must be set and be later than start date.';
$wb['duplicate_alias_or_forward_txt'] = 'There is already an alias or forwrd with this email address.';
$wb['quota_error_value'] = 'Invalid quota value. Allowed values are: 0 for unlimited or numbers > 1';
$wb['move_junk_txt'] = 'Move Spam Emails to Junk directory';
$wb['name_txt'] = 'Realname';
$wb['name_optional_txt'] = '(Optional)';
tbrehm's avatar
tbrehm committed
$wb['autoresponder_active'] = 'Enable the autoresponder';
tbrehm's avatar
tbrehm committed
$wb['cc_txt'] = 'Send copy to';
$wb['cc_error_isemail'] = 'The Send copy to field does not conatin a valid email address';
tbrehm's avatar
tbrehm committed
$wb['domain_txt'] = 'Domain';
$wb['now_txt'] = 'Now';
$wb['login_error_unique'] = 'Login is already taken.';
$wb['login_error_regex'] = 'Valid characters are A-Z, a-z, 0-9, ., _ and -.';
$wb['login_txt'] = 'Login (optional)';
$wb['error_login_email_txt'] = 'This login is not allowed. Please enter a different login or use the mail address as login.';
tbrehm's avatar
tbrehm committed
$wb['autoresponder_subject_txt'] = 'Email Subject';
$wb['autoresponder_subject'] = 'Out of office reply';
$wb['generate_password_txt'] = 'Generate Password';
$wb['repeat_password_txt'] = 'Repeat Password';
$wb['password_mismatch_txt'] = 'The passwords do not match.';
$wb['password_match_txt'] = 'The passwords do match.';
$wb['backup_interval_txt'] = 'Backup interval';
$wb['backup_copies_txt'] = 'Number of backup copies';
Florian Schaal's avatar
Florian Schaal committed
$wb['no_backup_txt'] = 'No backup';
$wb['daily_backup_txt'] = 'Daily';
$wb['weekly_backup_txt'] = 'Weekly';
$wb['monthly_backup_txt'] = 'Monthly';
Till Brehm's avatar
Till Brehm committed
$wb['email_error_isascii'] = 'Please do not use special unicode characters for your password. This could lead to problems with your mail client.';
$wb['cc_note_txt'] = '(Separate multiple email addresses with commas)';
Till Brehm's avatar
Till Brehm committed
$wb['disablesmtp_txt'] = 'Disable SMTP (sending)';
$wb['autoresponder_start_date_is_required'] = 'Start date must be set when Autoresponder is enabled.';
$wb['sender_cc_txt'] = 'Send outgoing BCC to';
$wb['sender_cc_error_isemail'] = 'The -Send outgoing copy to- field does not contain a valid email address';
$wb['sender_cc_note_txt'] = '(Separate multiple email addresses with commas)';