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Copyright (c) 2007, Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
Code licensed under the BSD License:
version: 2.2.0
 * The AutoComplete control provides the front-end logic for text-entry suggestion and
 * completion functionality.
 * @module autocomplete
 * @requires yahoo, dom, event, datasource
 * @optional animation, connection
 * @namespace YAHOO.widget
 * @title AutoComplete Widget


 * The AutoComplete class provides the customizable functionality of a plug-and-play DHTML
 * auto completion widget.  Some key features:
 * <ul>
 * <li>Navigate with up/down arrow keys and/or mouse to pick a selection</li>
 * <li>The drop down container can "roll down" or "fly out" via configurable
 * animation</li>
 * <li>UI look-and-feel customizable through CSS, including container
 * attributes, borders, position, fonts, etc</li>
 * </ul>
 * @class AutoComplete
 * @constructor
 * @param elInput {HTMLElement} DOM element reference of an input field.
 * @param elInput {String} String ID of an input field.
 * @param elContainer {HTMLElement} DOM element reference of an existing DIV.
 * @param elContainer {String} String ID of an existing DIV.
 * @param oDataSource {YAHOO.widget.DataSource} DataSource instance.
 * @param oConfigs {Object} (optional) Object literal of configuration params.
YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete = function(elInput,elContainer,oDataSource,oConfigs) {
    if(elInput && elContainer && oDataSource) {
        // Validate DataSource
        if (oDataSource && (oDataSource instanceof YAHOO.widget.DataSource)) {
            this.dataSource = oDataSource;
        else {
            YAHOO.log("Could not instantiate AutoComplete due to an invalid DataSource", "error", this.toString());

        // Validate input element
        if(YAHOO.util.Dom.inDocument(elInput)) {
            if(typeof elInput == "string") {
                    this._sName = "instance" + YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete._nIndex + " " + elInput;
                    this._oTextbox = document.getElementById(elInput);
            else {
                this._sName = ( ?
                    "instance" + YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete._nIndex + " " +
                    "instance" + YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete._nIndex;
                this._oTextbox = elInput;
        else {
            YAHOO.log("Could not instantiate AutoComplete due to an invalid input element", "error", this.toString());

        // Validate container element
        if(YAHOO.util.Dom.inDocument(elContainer)) {
            if(typeof elContainer == "string") {
                    this._oContainer = document.getElementById(elContainer);
            else {
                this._oContainer = elContainer;
            if( == "none") {
                YAHOO.log("The container may not display properly if display is set to \"none\" in CSS", "warn", this.toString());
        else {
            YAHOO.log("Could not instantiate AutoComplete due to an invalid container element", "error", this.toString());

        // Set any config params passed in to override defaults
        if (typeof oConfigs == "object") {
            for(var sConfig in oConfigs) {
                if (sConfig) {
                    this[sConfig] = oConfigs[sConfig];

        // Initialization sequence

        // Set up events
        var oSelf = this;
        var oTextbox = this._oTextbox;
        // Events are actually for the content module within the container
        var oContent = this._oContainer._oContent;

        // Dom events
        if(oTextbox.form) {

        // Custom events
        this.textboxFocusEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("textboxFocus", this);
        this.textboxKeyEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("textboxKey", this);
        this.dataRequestEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("dataRequest", this);
        this.dataReturnEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("dataReturn", this);
        this.dataErrorEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("dataError", this);
        this.containerExpandEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("containerExpand", this);
        this.typeAheadEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("typeAhead", this);
        this.itemMouseOverEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("itemMouseOver", this);
        this.itemMouseOutEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("itemMouseOut", this);
        this.itemArrowToEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("itemArrowTo", this);
        this.itemArrowFromEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("itemArrowFrom", this);
        this.itemSelectEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("itemSelect", this);
        this.unmatchedItemSelectEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("unmatchedItemSelect", this);
        this.selectionEnforceEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("selectionEnforce", this);
        this.containerCollapseEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("containerCollapse", this);
        this.textboxBlurEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("textboxBlur", this);
        // Finish up
        YAHOO.log("AutoComplete initialized","info",this.toString());
    // Required arguments were not found
    else {
        YAHOO.log("Could not instantiate AutoComplete due invalid arguments", "error", this.toString());

// Public member variables

 * The DataSource object that encapsulates the data used for auto completion.
 * This object should be an inherited object from YAHOO.widget.DataSource.
 * @property dataSource
 * @type YAHOO.widget.DataSource
YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.dataSource = null;

 * Number of characters that must be entered before querying for results. A negative value
 * effectively turns off the widget. A value of 0 allows queries of null or empty string
 * values.
 * @property minQueryLength
 * @type Number
 * @default 1
YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.minQueryLength = 1;

 * Maximum number of results to display in results container.
 * @property maxResultsDisplayed
 * @type Number
 * @default 10
YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.maxResultsDisplayed = 10;

 * Number of seconds to delay before submitting a query request.  If a query
 * request is received before a previous one has completed its delay, the
 * previous request is cancelled and the new request is set to the delay.
 * @property queryDelay
 * @type Number
 * @default 0.5
YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete.prototype.queryDelay = 0.5;

 * Class name of a highlighted item within results container.
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