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button-beta.js 87.5 KiB
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Copyright (c) 2007, Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
Code licensed under the BSD License:
version: 2.2.0
* @module button
* @description <p>The Button Control enables the creation of rich, graphical 
* buttons that function like traditional HTML form buttons.  <em>Unlike</em> 
* tradition HTML form buttons, buttons created with the Button Control can have 
* a label that is different from its value.  With the inclusion of the optional 
* <a href="module_menu.html">Menu Control</a>, the Button Control can also be
* used to create menu buttons and split buttons, controls that are not 
* available natively in HTML.  The Button Control can also be thought of as a 
* way to create more visually engaging implementations of the browser's 
* default radio-button and check-box controls.</p>
* <p>The Button Control supports the following types:</p>
* <dl>
* <dt>button</dt>
* <dd>Basic push button that can execute a user-specified command when 
* pressed.</dd>
* <dt>link</dt>
* <dd>Navigates to a specified url when pressed.</dd>
* <dt>submit</dt>
* <dd>Submits the parent form when pressed.</dd>
* <dt>reset</dt>
* <dd>Resets the parent form when pressed.</dd>
* <dt>checkbox</dt>
* <dd>Maintains a "checked" state that can be toggled on and off.</dd>
* <dt>radio</dt>
* <dd>Maintains a "checked" state that can be toggled on and off.  Use with 
* the ButtonGroup class to create a set of controls that are mutually 
* exclusive; checking one button in the set will uncheck all others in 
* the group.</dd>
* <dt>menubutton</dt>
* <dd>When pressed will show/hide a menu.</dd>
* <dt>splitbutton</dt>
* <dd>Can execute a user-specified command or display a menu when pressed.</dd>
* </dl>
* @title Button
* @namespace YAHOO.widget
* @requires yahoo, dom, element, event
* @optional container, menu
* @beta

(function() {

// Shorthard for utilities

var Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom,
    Event = YAHOO.util.Event,
    Lang = YAHOO.lang,

    // Private member variables

    m_oButtons = {},
    m_oFocusedButton = null;

//  Constructor

* The Button class creates a rich, graphical button.
* @param {String} p_oElement String specifying the id attribute of the 
* <code>&#60;input&#62;</code>, <code>&#60;a&#62;</code> or 
* <code>&#60;span&#62;</code> element to be used to create the button.
* @param {<a href="
* one-html.html#ID-6043025">HTMLInputElement</a>|<a href="
* ID-33759296">HTMLElement</a>} p_oElement Object reference for the 
* <code>&#60;input&#62;</code>, <code>&#60;a&#62;</code> or 
* <code>&#60;span&#62;</code> element to be used to create the button.
* @param {Object} p_oElement Object literal specifying a set of configuration  
* attributes used to create the button.
* @param {Object} p_oAttributes Optional. Object literal specifying a set of 
* configuration attributes used to create the button.
* @namespace YAHOO.widget
* @class Button
* @constructor
* @extends YAHOO.util.Element
YAHOO.widget.Button = function(p_oElement, p_oAttributes) {

    var fnSuperClass = YAHOO.widget.Button.superclass.constructor;

        arguments.length == 1 && 
        !Lang.isString(p_oElement) && 
    ) {

        if(! {

   = Dom.generateId();



    else {

        var oConfig = {
            element: null,
            attributes: (p_oAttributes || {})

        if(Lang.isString(p_oElement)) {

            var me = this;

            Event.onAvailable(p_oElement, function() {

                var sTagName = this.tagName.toUpperCase();
                if(sTagName == me.TAG_NAME) {
                else if(sTagName == "INPUT" && ! {
           = Dom.generateId();
                oConfig.attributes.srcelement = this;
      , oConfig);
                if(!oConfig.element) {
                    oConfig.element = 
      , oConfig.element, oConfig.attributes);


        else {

            var sTagName = p_oElement.tagName.toUpperCase();

            if(sTagName == this.TAG_NAME) {

                if( {

                else {

           = Dom.generateId();


            else if(sTagName == "INPUT" && ! {

       = Dom.generateId();


            oConfig.attributes.srcelement = p_oElement;
  , oConfig);
            if(!oConfig.element) {
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