@@ -261,10 +261,13 @@ class ApsCrawler extends ApsBase
// Get all known apps from the database and the highest known version
// Note: A dirty hack is used for numerical sorting of the VARCHAR field Version: +0 -> cast
// A longer but typesafe way would be: ORDER BY CAST(REPLACE(Version, '.', '') AS UNSIGNED) DESC
$existing_apps=$app->db->queryAllRecords("SELECT * FROM (
SELECT name AS Name, CONCAT(version, '-', CAST(`release` AS CHAR)) AS CurrentVersion
FROM aps_packages ORDER BY REPLACE(version, '.', '')+0 DESC, `release` DESC
) as Versions GROUP BY name");
$tmpres=$app->db->query("SELECT name as `Name`, CONCAT(version, '-', CAST(`release` AS CHAR)) AS CurrentVersion FROM aps_packages ORDER BY INET_ATON(SUBSTRING_INDEX(CONCAT(version,'.0.0.0'),'.',4)) DESC, `release` DESC");
$res=$app->db->query("SELECT `id`, `name`, `version`, `release`, `package_status` FROM `aps_packages` WHERE 1 ORDER BY `name` ASC, INET_ATON(SUBSTRING_INDEX(CONCAT(version,'.0.0.0'),'.',4)) DESC, `release` DESC");
$app->log($this->log_prefix.'Tagging '.$curapp['name'].' '.$curapp['version'].'-'.$curapp['release'].' as outdated.');
$app->db->query("UPDATE `aps_packages` SET `package_status` = ? WHERE `id` = ?",PACKAGE_OUTDATED,$curapp['id']);