Add ssl_protocols for backwards compatibility (#5423)
I'm not sure if I made myself clear enough but this config (because of the ssl_min_protocol param) will not work on any system if the Dovecot version is < 2.3.
I'm not really into Debian but by judging a quick Google search this config will only work on Stretch if stretch-backports is enabled or when it is a newer Debian version than Stretch. Anything older than Stretch won't work with this config at least by default. EL6 and EL7 is also affected by that, as well as Ubuntu (< Eoan).
Possible solutions:
Stay at ssl_protocols because Dovecot 2.3 will convert ssl_protocols into ssl_min_protocol automatically.
An alternative solution would be to implement some kind of Dovecot version detection and set ssl_min_protocol or ssl_protocols when appropriate. -
Well, then it seems that no one is using an older distribution or the server admin removed this line themself, or almost everyone is running Dovecot 2.3 which would explain why no one ran into this incompatiblity.
Either way, as I mentioned, ssl_protocols AND ssl_min_protocol are redundant on systems running Dovecot 2.3, while ssl_min_protocol will not let the Dovecot daemon start if it is Dovecot 2.2.
@tbrehm what do you think?