3.1 update (update.php) enables wrong services on slave servers
On multiserver 3.1 (updated this morning), when running ispconfig_update.sh and updating from git-stable, after the reconfiguring services stage on all slave servers there are always services enabled which shouldn't be.
Eg. on a nameserver node, no matter if I answer "yes" or "selected" at the reconfigure services prompt, and then answer 'y' only to DNS and Firewall, after it's done both Mail and DB services will show as enabled in ispconfig. On a mail only node, only DB service is enabled (and indeed, you can now select the mail server as a database server...). On a web server (which does have DB enabled already), even when answering 'no' to the reconfigure services question, the 'Mail' service will be enabled afterwards.
On the master server, this doesn't happen (which may be a recent change, I thought it used to as well). And it appears it may only be the 'Mail' and 'DB' services that are being enabled.