I use trim spaces always in IDE, but it looks your project doesn't, also some other different standards exists and EditorConfig is support by many editors and will overwrite the settings for that project.
Settings include Trim spaces, Last Empty line, use Tabs/spaces, indent size....
@tbrehm i can submit a PR with an example config, but you know your preferred style. Currently mixed tabs and spaces (sometimes in same line). Frameworks like Symfony prefer spaces.
I have a question. Are you suggesting a .editorconfig for the ISPConfig3 source code (that's what I understood from reading your text) or for the ISPConfig3 backoffice — which currently merely uses textareas for input (and no fancy JavaScript tool)?
Because if your worries are about keeping your submitted code consistent when submitting changes/merge requests, well, you can always use your.editorconfig and just add it to your.gitignore :-)
If you wish to use the .editorconfig settings for the input areas on the ISPConfig3 backoffice (I certainly would love that!!), well, in that case, there would be a gazillion textareas to change, although my guess is that it would mostly benefit the snippets (especially if it uses automatic syntax checking/highlighting/formatting, like CodeMirror). It might also require some magic for a browser-based solution to be able to read the .editorconfig stored on the local disk...
I mean for the git repo, so nobody commits tabs mixed with spaces or trailing white spaces.
Different projects use different settings 2, 4, 8 indents or even tabs and if nothing is set, the default IDE or simple editor or "by hand" is applied and results in worse readability.
Also, some IDE can remove trailing spaces on save, format code and respect those settings on a project level, so I get edits in unrelated lines in a commit.
Much easier to get started with a project without worries about manually following code guidelines and also often such things are missed in reviews and next uses has the described unrelated changes issue.
This has nothing to do with editor inside ISPConfig for nginx or other settings/text options. This is only development related.
Here's an updated link to CONTRIBUTING.md since we switched to the develop branch.
I personally prefer spaces but as most of the php code in this project uses tabs we should probably leave it at that.
For a lot of the template files there is more of a mix, often even within a line. I propose to prefer spaces there and do a bulk cleanup commit in the near future.
Nice, I don't care at the end, I only want to be consistent and not change my editor settings every time.
You should add a default in that PR. Like tab (e.g. css, js, sh and yml is missing - maybe more).
Most IDE can clean code, so convert them all based on your settings.