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Draft: Update: check integrity of downloaded tarball before extracting it

Daniel Jagszent requested to merge d--j/ispconfig3:verify-download into develop

This merge request will add GPG integrity checking to the update process (see #6222)

It assumes that the file will have a detached GPG signature that it can find under .

Maintainers can create this signature with e.g.:

gpg --output ISPConfig-3-stable.tar.gz.sig --detach-sig ISPConfig-3-stable.tar.gz

Currently only the stable file will be checked. For the automatically created nightly tarball to also have a valid signature, we would probably need to have a trusted GPG private key somewhere on a CI system. That probably should be avoided.

I took the liberty to simplify server/scripts/ and make some changes suggested by shellcheck

This is still a draft merge request because it needs:

  • some tests with test signatures (done by me)
  • We need to collect all GPG keys of all maintainers who should be able to sign the validity of the downloads in security/trustedkeys.gpg

Merge request reports
