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maindomain of aps-instance changeable and ordered rewrite rules in apache-vhost-conf

Dominik requested to merge (removed):master into master
  1. maindomain in apsinstance: Posibility to change main-domain of aps-instance over remote (in interface maind…omain is always the websites domain but over remote it's now possible to set an alias oder subdomain, that will be used in instance-settings. Important if e.g. wordpress-installation should run unter an aliasdomain instead of the websites domain)

  2. append *-Rewrite-Rules to the end of rewrite-rules. With this it is possible to use

  • sub.domain.tld
  • *.domain.tld together with different subdir-redirects (with the usage of redirect-type L for sub.domain.tld). Before this change it was never possible to get it always working, because it depended on the order in database if it worked or not.

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