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VHost-Aliasdomain (FS#3296)

Dominik requested to merge (removed):vhostalias into master

(Stupid thing when made my branches: I didn't set up this vhostalias branch on a blank master-branch - i already had the changes for my other merge-request "vmail-uid-mapping" inside this branch so this changes are also in this merge request. The other is opened before - so if you accept them this should be no problem. Otherwise i have to remove the vmail-uid-changes and restart this request here again).

Added new feature VHost-Aliasdomain (FS#3296)

Same functionality as VHost-Subdomain. Also to enable over a admin-setting-checkbox. Cannot be disabled if already vhost-aliasdomains are existing.

open Issue: in form-datasource-sql-command was used {AUTHSQL::web_domain} -> this actually does not work on master-branch -> see FS#3299 for more information

Merge request reports