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  1. Sep 29, 2016
  2. Sep 27, 2016
  3. Sep 12, 2016
  4. Sep 09, 2016
  5. Sep 05, 2016
    • Till Brehm's avatar
      Merge branch 'nagios-implementation' into 'master' · d803c030
      Till Brehm authored
      Nagios implementation
      Adds compatibility to include nagios or check_mk (nagios add on) data in ispc's monitoring-module.
      URL must containg /check_mk for cmk-detection to work. This makes OMD (current official cmk setup method) fully compatible.
      Further oldschool manual CMK-Setups are also working as long as you keep the default /check_mk (if you did not you can add an alias or simply build the correct autologin url on your own and leave login data blank)
      Further a requirement is that your URL is HTTPS and using the same domain! E.g. ISPC is on you can have monitoring on but not This is a browser limitation to iframes.
      For Check_MK you have to use Cookie Based authentication. This is default since OMD is out... If you did not change yet, blame yourself :) Workaround: manually add Basic Auth data to the URL. I really mean not to support this.
      Btw: I also plan on building a nagios plugin or some other way to check ISPC's health using Nagios but I need much more time for this so probably this will come as a request for 3.2 then.
      See merge request !434
  6. Sep 02, 2016
  7. Sep 01, 2016
  8. Aug 31, 2016